
Title When to Fill Out How to Submit
SPAC Justification (DOC)

Must be submitted with Cardholder Agreements and Account Maintenance forms with default account #'s 01-4300000 to 01-4339990 or 01-5200000 to 01-5299990

Must be submitted with the appropriate document: Cardholder Agreements must have original signatures and sent through mail. Account Maintenance can be sent via email, faxed or mailed

Third Party Release Form (DOC)

Cardholders are to pick up their own cards.  If for some reason someone else is to pick up the card, this form must be provided to the purchasing card team

Present at time of card pick-up

Cardholder Agreement (DOC)

This is the application for a UMD credit card.  Applicants must read the entire agreement before signing

The original agreement must be sent to the purchasing card team.  No faxed, copied or digital signatures are allowed

Reviewer Access (DOC)

When adding or removing a Reviewer this form must be completed

Submit via email, fax, hand-delivered or inter-office mail to the purchasing card team

Account Maintenance (DOCX)

Any changes to an exist account must be completed on this form

Submit via email, fax, hand-delivered or inter-office mail to the purchasing card team

Lost and Stolen Form (DOC)

Cardholders have the responsibility to contact the bank and the purchasing card team when a card is lost or stolen

Submit via email, fax, hand-delivered or inter-office mail to the purchasing card team

Updater Access Form (DOC)

Any changes to an Updaters account must be completed on this form

Submit via email, fax, hand-delivered or inter-office mail to the purchasing card team