Guest Travel Reimbursement

Advance Vendor Setup in KFS

Departments must ensure a guest is set up as a vendor in KFS prior to completing a travel expense report for them. Departments need to be aware the process may take some time, from obtaining the W-8/W-9 to getting the account set up. Plan for that in advance. 

For all vendor record requests, departments must securely obtain the guest’s W-8 or W-9. Click for instructions about secure transmission methods.

1. Check if the guest already has an associated vendor record in KFS (KFS Job Aid: "Searching and Modifying a Vendor"). Verify that the “remit” address matches the W-8/W-9 address.  If not, edit the record according to the instructions in the KFS Job Aid.  If the address is correct,  skip to Step 4 (below).

2. W-9: If you need to create a new vendor record for the guest and they are able  to complete a W-9 with a domestic mailing address, use the above KFS Job Aid to create a Disbursement Voucher (DV) vendor request in KFS.

Note: Typically this will be for a DV vendor. If the vendor is issued a Purchase Order (PO), a PO vendor record should be created, which will be approved by Procurement

Note: The day after KFS vendor approval, the guest’s vendor ID, name, and partial address will be available in Concur.


3. If the guest completes a W-8OR has a SSN and with an international address, the vendor record must be created by System Control:

  • To request assistance creating the vendor record, securely send the W-8 or W-9 to using which is explained on the  secure transmission page. You will receive confirmation once the vendor record has been created.



Complete Guest Expense Report in Concur

Vendor records from KFS feed into Concur for use with guest travel expense reports.

4. Create a new Expense Report for the guest. See Concur Help Center page: "Expense Report (Single Non-Employee").


Note: It is important to create the Guest Reimbursement Expense Report, however at this time it cannot be fully submitted in Concur as the Accounts Payable procedures are still being finalized. Concur will track the filled out report and you will be notified when the Expense Report can be submitted.